If you are reading this article, I can assume you are looking for the best way to lost weight or you have already tried to lose weight using other weight loss programs, weight loss diets, weight loss pills and sadly don't have much success with any of them. That I can totally understand because most of these products don't work. The companies that make these so called "guaranteed to work" weight loss products often claim to give you the "sky" so to speak, but never deliver. They only want your money!
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Here is a fat loss secret. This weight loss method is different. It has been thoroughly researched and discovered by a lady doctor hailed from Arizona in the United States. Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst. According to Dr Gudakunst's research, your stomach and intestines are filled with plaque and harmful parasites which are responsible for the fat build-up. These creepy parasites hinder the effect of any weight loss program you undertake. That is why you find that after having lost a bit of weight for a while, the kilos start creeping back up. You find that you can't have a permanent trim body image. The logical solution, of course, is to address the "cause " of the whole problem. In this case, the parasites in your intestines.
Dr. Gudakunst had researched and trialled on a very effective detox diet using all natural plant extracts and herbs to flush out all those horrible "critters" from your guts so you can expect a real permanent weight loss. She has compiled her findings into an eBook which shows you in great details how to detox simple and fast and the ingredients required are easily available in any supermarket or health stores. Dr. Gudakunst had applied this natural treatment on several patients including those facing life threatening obesity becase their intestinal walls were loaded with plaque and parasites. The results was overwhelming. Some patients lost up to 200 pounds of fat!
Dr. Gudakunst's method is so successful that she received many death threats from weight loss products manufacturers not to publish her eBook because they were afraid that they would be out of business if people don't need their products anymore. They would be losing millions and millions of dollars! Remember, too much fat in your body also leads to diseases like cardiovascular, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. So you can imagine the impact Dr Gudakunst's report on these companies' profit. Well, fortunately for you and me, Dr Gudakunst did not succumb to their threats and went ahead to do something good for our society.
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