I know, I know. You've heard the words "fast weight loss diet" and thought, yeah, sure, if I starve myself to death I can lose weight really fast. This plan is different, really. There is no starvation involved in this method, and it is really not even a "diet" as you will soon find out.
We've all seen hundreds of programs and products called the fast weight loss diet. Everything from shakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner to diet bars for snacks. Who can live on that stuff? Of course, there are also pre-packaged foods you can buy in the frozen food section such as Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, etc. Can you really get full on such a little portion of food? This is not the kind of fast weight loss diet I'm interested in!
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And then there are the ridiculous fads of years gone by: Cabbage soup diet (where all you eat for days on end is cabbage soup - yuck), grapefruit diets, even an ice cream diet. Where do people come up with these ideas? There is no way you could lose weight with one of these methods, and keep it off after the diet ends.
The plan I'm going to tell you about truly is a fast weight loss diet. Though really, the word diet shouldn't be included. With this plan, you get to eat REAL food, and I mean food that you love like mexican, pizza, potatoes - everything. The wonderful thing about this plan is it teaches you how to use different types of foods to shock your body into burning fat. And it's also healthy!
Part of what this plan involves is "switching calories". One day, you eat pretty much anything you want in moderation. The next day, you eat healthier foods that contain less carbs and fats such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. Eating this way confuses your body, causing your metabolism to burn fat like crazy! Wouldn't you like to lose an average of 9 lbs. every 11 days? Now this is what I call fast weight loss. See why "diet" isn't really the correct word for this?
With this method you learn how to eat certain foods at certain times of the day, and eat smaller portions more often. This keeps you from ever feeling "starved", and you're always satisfied. This is the most amazing plan I have ever seen, and has been the most popular for a while now. What I truly love is that this plan teaches you how to turn your body into a fat burning machine!
If you have been trying to lose weight, whether a little or alot, you really should give this plan a try. I'm sure you have tried a fast weight loss diet before, but you have never seen anything like this - guaranteed.
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