Brown seaweed extract never looked so appetizing. This powerful, promising plant gift from the sea is one of two highly touted natural plant derivatives you should be aware of, both of which have unique weight loss and nutritional properties. NeOpuntia is the other, and is made from Opuntia ficus indica cactus. ID-alG is the trade name of the brown seaweed extract.
Cheia Vida Slim is a new weight loss diet program and supplement recently released from Alive WorldWide. It is of particular interest because it makes use of both of these plant derivatives to make fast, healthy weight loss possible, or so it claims. I am testing Cheia Vida Slim and it's creator's 10 Day Slim Down Challenge.
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I've written another article dedicated to the diet and nutritional benefits of NeOpuntia. The focus here is the brown seaweed extract, ID-alG . Frankly, just the thought of it takes my appetite down a notch. But of course, you don't have to actually eat it; it is packaged in a weight loss supplement pill or capsule.
Bio-Serae Labs is the party to thank for harnessing the nutritional and weight loss horsepower of this brown seaweed. It is sourced in the cold, clear waters off the coast of Brittany, which may have something to do with it's extraordinary health benefits and nutritional qualities. It was featured on a segment of The Today Show, where it was declared one of five life-changing superfoods. (You can see the video on my blog.)
Central to the fast weight loss capability of Cheia Vida Slim is the ability of ID-alG to encourage your body to burn fat all day long. But perhaps just as crucial is the fact that it burns only fat, and NOT lean body mass, or muscle. How does it do this? Think "metabolic enhancer". ID-alG is able to improve upon thyroid function and metabolism. It also makes it difficult for fat cells to grow too large. In the process of promoting fat cell shrinkage, your body is able to burn calories at a faster rate, and even better, over a long period of time. In other words, you're burning fat throughout the day.
Let's take these one at a time. First, improving thyroid function and metabolism.
ID-alG is a rich source of natural iodine. This allows it to play an important role in metabolism. By acting as a regulator in the natural synthesis of thyroid hormones, ID-alG enhances metabolism, which in turn leads to thermogenesis, causing fat reduction in our bodies. So the thyroid regulation allows a long, slow thermogenic fat burn.
Next, making it difficult for fat cells to grow too large.
Research conducted by Bio-Serae Labs has shown that ID-alG contains super polyphenols (phloroglucinol), which have the amazing ability to inhibit two of our main digestive enzymes, amylase and lipase. The benefit to our weight loss program of stunting the activity of these digestive enzymes is that it gives the body a healthy way to achieve balance with respect to the amount of calories absorbed and used by the body as both carbohydrate and fat.
But ID-alG harbors even more nutritional benefits for humans well beyond the call of duty of a weight loss pill or diet supplement. It is very rich in minerals and trace elements. In fact, elements like selenium, iron, and copper are found in concentrations up to 20 times that of fruits and vegetables. It's no wonder that ID-alG promotes energy and vitality all day long.
Lastly, the brown seaweed (algae) which is the source for ID-alG is extraordinarily rich in unique marine-based polyphenols, which are called phlorotannins. Like the similar polyphenols found on land, phlorotannins act as antioxidants, which give us protection against the damaging effects of free radicals that are naturally generated as we age, or in the case of externally produced free radicals, like UV light, or what is called oxidant stress.
To summarize, with ID-alG we have a metabolic enhancer, which leads to a long thermogenic fat-burn for quick weight loss results. It also limits carbohydrate and fat calorie absorption, and at the same time promotes appetite reduction. It is also a rich, concentrated source for minerals and trace elements that promote long-term energy for the body. And its phlorotannins provide us with protection against the damaging effects of free radicals.
ID-alG is just one of two superstar plant derivatives doing weight loss diet duty in Cheia Vida Slim.
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