A detox and weight loss diet that stands the test of time has to be the lemon cleanse diet. Commonly know as the master cleanser diet, this is the diet plan that helps Beyonce Knowles sheds off 20 pounds, and got Robin Quiver raving about it after losing 70 pounds herself.
Backed by more than 50 years of success stories, the master cleanser diet was designed as a safe detox diet, but not weight loss.
That said, the lemon cleanse diet can be used as a detox and weight loss diet once you take care of a couple of things.
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In this article, I will brief share a few things you need to take note. Towards the end, I'll show you where to go, to get the detail master cleanse formulation that you can use as a detox and weight loss diet. Stay with me.
The longer you are in the lemon cleanse diet, the more weight you will loss. That may sound logical, except you may be in for a rude shock. You may actually gain back more than whatever you have lost previous, once you are back on normal diet.
The problem does not lie with the diet but with the dieter. The master cleanse is a safe detox diet, which you can use to help you shed weight, provided you do not stay in the master cleanse regime for more than 15 days. But when people stay longer in the diet than they should, that's when a working formula become a potential health threat.
Why will prolong dieting be a threat to health?
The main reason is because, once you are in the master cleanse diet for too long, your metabolism start to slow down to adjust to your new diet pattern, so a normal diet is actually an overload on your digestive system. No wonder you gain back all that you have loss and more.
Are you prepared to begin the detox and weight loss diet? "Yes!" You replied with full enthusiasm.
Most people think they can jump straight into the master cleanse diet and survive the 10 days program, yet most never get pass the first day. They can't stand the hunger pangs and worst, the irresistible delicious smell food from the kitchen calls out to them repeatedly. Finally it become too much to ensure and they give up.
It's clear that they are not prepared.
If they have made an effort to prepare themselves mentally, the outcome will have been different. And that means getting into the mindset to begin the safe detox diet.
Start 3 days before the master cleanser diet. Visualize the outcome of losing 20 pounds in 10 days and feel the wondrous feeling of completion. It certainly helps to push you ahead in your quest for weight loss.
As I have mentioned, the traditional master cleanser diet by Stanley Burroughs was not designed to be a weight loss diet. The good new is, you can turn this into a weight loss diet by paying attention to certain ingredients.
There are also strategies you can follow to help you through the 10 days while on the lemon cleanse diet, including food you can consume while on this detox and weight loss diet.
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