Most people do not realize that in many countries, the cost for weight loss surgery with highly qualified, experienced surgeons is up to 75% less than the U.S. Now, new medical tourism companies offering comprehensive services including procedure scheduling, medical travel booking and procedure follow-up can provide you with a no-hassle way to have your weight loss surgery done abroad.
Weight loss surgery isn't for everyone...but if you are a candidate, the results can be dramatic....even life changing. The decision to undergo weight loss surgery may be the most important decision you ever make.
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There are different types of bariatric surgery - you and your surgeon can decide what is right for you.
Gastric Band surgery is an adjustable surgical treatment for morbid obesity. It induces weight loss by reducing the capacity of the stomach, which restricts the amount of food that can be consumed and increases the time it takes for food to be digested. The BioEnterics® Lap-Band® Adjustable Gastric Banding System was approved by the FDA in June 2001; the RealilzeTMAdjustable Gastric Band system was approved by the FDA in October 2007.
GastricBypass Roux-En-Y (RNY):
The Gastric Bypass RNY is considered by the American Society of Bariatric Surgeons and the National Institutes of Health to be the gold standard of weight loss surgery -and the single most successful procedure for excess weight loss and long-term weight control. A combination restrictive/malabsorptive operation, it is the operation of choice for most Bariatric surgeons in the United States. The surgery has been performed by laparoscopic method since 1997, which results in smaller incisions, less pain and scarring, reduced blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and reduced risk of internal organ damage and infection when compared to the traditional open incision technique.
Sleeve Gastrectomy:
Is a procedure that induces weight loss by restricting food intake. With this procedure, approximately 80-85 percent of the stomach is removed laparoscopically so that the stomach takes the shape of a tube or "sleeve." The Gastric Sleeve procedure is a relatively new approach to bariatric surgery and is usually performed on morbidly obese or high risk patients with the intention of performing another surgery such as the gastric by-pass at a later time. This combined approach has dramatically decreased the risk of weight loss surgery for certain types of weight loss surgery patients, even when the risk of the two surgeries is added.
BioEnterics® IntragastricBalloon(BIB®):
Is a saline-filled silicone balloon with a radiopaquevalve that can be seen on x-rays. It is becoming more of a "lifestyle" product in Europe. It is easily inserted in under 15 minutes, and takes about the same time to remove. It can only stay in place for SIX months, after which time a second balloon may be inserted. Generally, patients only have one (and occasionally two) balloons. Dr. Armando Joya in Puerto Vallarta, and Dr. Juan Lopez in Tijuana are just two examples of Mexican Gastroenterologists who are considered tops in their field. Each have done more than 4,000 weight loss surgeries. Visit www.healthtravelguides.com for more information on these doctors, and visit our Community section to read patient testimonials.
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